New Edition – Dreams



Discover how you can intuitively interpret your dream symbols and on waking, use practical self-help remedies to recall the dream’s message.

You can learn to unlock your dreams and bring them to your conscious mind to process.

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Discover how you can intuitively interpret your dream symbols and on waking, use practical self-help remedies to recall the dream’s message.

You can learn to unlock your dreams and bring them to your conscious mind to process.

Explore the meanings behind some of the most common dreams, recurring dreams, violent and sexual dreams, Freud and Jung’s psychoanalytical early interpretations, archetypes in dreams, and the magic in mystical dreaming.

Learn the practices of recalling dreams, lucid dreaming, dream journalling and proven dream techniques that include active imagination, meditation, dream group therapy, and ancient dreaming.

ISBN: 9781925924480
ISBN-10: 1925924483
Audience: General
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Number Of Pages: 304
Published: 1st May 2020
Publisher: Rockpool Publishing
Country of Publication: US
Dimensions (cm): 21.0 x 13.5  x 1.91
Weight (kg): 0.32

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